Interim Guiding & Advisory Council
We have been undergoing an incubationary period throughout this past year to allow our newest structural form to emerge. An Interim Guiding Council met regularly throughout the Winter and Spring to keep us focused on Next Steps for implementation of a variety of Offerings & Trainings which will help us to become both a sustainable and generative resource for our community. The Interim Council ran its course, and then disbanded in early Summer 2014. Some of these community members have chosen to stay on in an advisory capacity while others have moved on to other aspirations, or are currently choosing how they wish to engage next. We have tremendous gratitude for all of their efforts throughout this season of transformation.
Akira Chan Advisory Council / Conscious Media & Story Telling
Danielle Gennety Advisory Council / Ambassador Program, Community Hub Development, Events
Debra Giusti Advisory Council / Resource Development, Network Weaving
Jessica Plancich Advisory Council, Regional Leadership Activation & Outreach
Kelli “Rua” Klein Advisory Council / Business & Resource Development
Laurie Sage Advisory Council / Ambassador Program, Community Hub Development
Logan Johnston Advisory Council / Ambassador Program
Richard “Grateful Bear” Parisi Advisory Council / Business & Resource Development
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