Join a Team or Project!

Tribal Convergence Network is currently working on, collaborating with, or tracking a number of different projects within the areas of focus it has defined as its primary concerns.


If you feel drawn to any of our Projects at any level of participation please feel welcome to contact the Project Lead to learn more about how you might like to engage. We look forward to weaving with you!

Learn more about the roles of Core Council and Project Leads

Skills and Roles We Most Need Right Now



Join the TCN Newsletter Team! 

Goal: to gather collaboratively contributed community content and produce a monthly or bimonthly newsletter to offer information about events, trainings, education, experience, appropriate technologies, and leadership empowerment opportunities that may support our mission and vision and create strong collaborative communities. We are seeking passionate communicators to help with editing and layout of this newsletter!


Email [email protected] with NEWSLETTER TEAM in the subject heading if you are interested!