Michael Ravenwood & SkyFire


SkyFireArts Is an innovative performing arts company that weaves cirque arts and science, creating spectacular entertainment productions. Our performers wield 15 foot arcs of electricity from a massive Tesla coil in a show with aerial acrobatics, fire dancing, gymnastics, stilt-walking, and more. Our full scale signature production is a mythological cirque theatre featuring characters who master ancient and futuristic technologies to convey a profound message of courage and compassion.


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Wedding Fire Blessing

We all share

an ancient relationship with fire.

It cooked the food of our ancestors,

And kept them safe in the night.

Yet it’s deeper gift

Comes when we embody fire

and channel it’s healing

As fire’s warmth lends comfort, and shields us from the chill,

We may comfort one another through changing times.

As it’s light guides our way through the darkness,

We can offer each other insight and perspective.

It’s passion is love, the ecstasy of rebirth,

As we find fulfillment in each other’s arms.

And when fire burns, it purifies

As tough love shows us harmful things.

So may this fire we bear

clear a path to your happiness.

May it light your way, and keep your future bright

May it burn away things which keep you,

while it’s warmth ever nurtures that which sets you free,

and let it’s sting only serve to guide you

to the wisdom in your hearts…







Artist: Michael Ravenwood

TCN Community Member

Founder of SkyFire Entertainment


