Perma NomadBase Austria

Hardegg, Austria

Languages Spoken at this Impact Center: English, German


General Info:

Would you like to join us and help us to create this Nomad place? Any help is welcome and much appreciated. You can work on almost everyhing you would like to improve, in dialogue with Benjamin, the host of this project. For your stay at our place we ask for a contribution of about 7-10 hours a week working with us. We work slowly, without any hurry. It would be very nice if you can stay at least one week, then there is still time to get to know each other. And of course you can also enjoy the beautiful area. If you want to stay longer, please let me know, because that might be possible. This place has the potential to grow into a small eco-community, with lots of nice projects in the pipeline, such as making the community self-sufficient. I am also still looking for a housesitter this winter 2015- june 2016


Volunteer / Internship & Educational Opportunities available:

You can help us 7-10 hours a week if you like.

Event Hosting Opportunities:

We sometimes join eco-villages, communities, or convergence festivals and we have a community tour on gift base in Europe.

Educational Opportunities:

You can learn German.

Open to Accepting New Members:

Yes, that is what we are looking for. There is enough space to start building this forming community. It is already 2 years available and ready for improvements, so if you have visions please share them with us.

The Surrounding Area:

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