Why do we Gather?


The production and offering of Consciously Designed Intentional Gatherings is a highly potent way to create experiences and share with large groups of people the programs and practices we have been evolving. These programs support community development through the use of individual and community empowerment and collaboration techniques, and collective support networks. We gather with the intention of sharing, educating, evolving, mutually informing, celebrating, developing, building, imprinting, innovating, generating resonance, merging and converging, synergistic blossoming, and above all: connecting.

People crave connection and we are focused on helping them find it. With smaller events and leadership empowerment retreats, ambassadorial trainings and solutions sessions, Tribal Convergence Network crafts sacred spaces of sharing within which intimate and profound life changing connection can occur. When we are seen and our voice is heard and we can find common ground with one another, we build trust and become more open to generosity, and the ability to put ourselves in each other’s shoes. These are the first steps towards collaborative co-creation and collective global impact.


When we connect, we are not alone.

When we feel connected, we are not afraid.

When we are not afraid, we can care for others in Love.

TCN creates opportunities for connection in engaging events that inspire direct participation, and lasting emotional bonds on the personal and professional level. When produced with quality, integrity. reciprocity, and safety in mind, such gatherings can be the turning point in a person’s life, and can be the tipping point in a generation’s awakening as new ideas and information get shared en masse in settings that inspire deep connection and lasting impressions.


(If you are an event producer and you feel similarly, you may like to check out our TCN Intentional Gatherings Guild group on Facebook.)

Upcoming TCN Events

Aligned Events We Are Excited About

Past TCN & Collaborative Events