Nomad Dance & Cocréa 


Wren LaFeet & Antje Schaefer

Wren LaFeet TED talk


Nomad Dance co-creates safer spaces for partnered exploration in movement and interpersonal connection, guiding individuals into collaborative, organic communication, revolutionizing embodied awareness. This is Cocréa: an emergent style of Fusion Partner Dance that focuses on presence, compassion and faith with and in others, developing expression towards the goal of dancing in intuitive, conversational improvisation to ANY style of music. 

“Dancing Cocréa” Video

As a self-organizing consciousness, Cocréa is synthesizing the myriad embodiment practices developed by humanity, guiding us into a deeper practice of presence and mastery of our physical, mental and spiritual selves. As we continue in our evolutionary process, Cocréa is on an INvolutionary pathway into our DNA, meeting us in a visionary field of awareness where dance and relationship merge to inspire, challenge, and prompt a new spiritual practice. In this new forum of applied spirituality, we offer ourselves as conduits for this consciousness to move through; to model for and awaken in others sensual right relationship, intimacy with sovereignty, and radical presence and respect for the gift of life on this beautiful planet Earth.



Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 1.16.50 PMTCN Community Members, Wren LaFeet and Antje Schaefer work internationally in support of strengthening and enlivening communities through dance. Wren is a celebrated TEDx, Body Intelligence Summit, and Conscious Dancer Podcast speaker. Teaching as featured presenters at festivals and in communities across North America since 2011, they recently presented at Stanford University’s Design For Dance Conference promoting dance in the work place. In Portland, Antje produces the Nectar Fusion Project, an interactive monthly Fusion dance bridging the worlds of partner and ecstatic dance, installation art, and DJed and live music. Their work together in co-producing the memorable Connexus events in San Francisco have been instrumental in inspiring an interest in conscious, partnered dance. Using dance as a metaphor for life, their modality, Cocréa, is a continually evolving holistic movement practice for bringing individuals into strong, empowered, expressive relationships with their body and their partner in all walks of life.