Indigenous Guiding Principles for Creating a Sustainable and Harmonious World

(cover image reposted from website)


Reposted from Four Worlds International Institute:


“The Four Worlds Guiding Principles for Building a Sustainable and Harmonious World

The Sixteen Principles for building a sustainable and harmonious world community emerged from a 40-year process of reflection, consultation and action within Indigenous communities across the Americas. They are rooted in the concerns of hundreds of Indigenous Elders Spiritual Leaders and Community Members, as well as in the best thinking of many non- Indigenous scholars, researchers and human and community development practitioners.

These guiding principles constitute the foundation for the process of healing and developing ourselves (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually), our human relationships (personal, social, political, economic, and cultural) and our relationship with Mother Earth. They describe the way we must work and what we must protect and cherish.

We offer these Guiding Principles as a gift to all who seek to build a sustainable and harmonious Global community.”