TribeTalks is a small offering venue within a festival or gathering that enables participants to present wisdom offerings, ideas, or projects they are passionate about to the community in an intimate and café-like environment. TribeTalks offers participants short presentation windows of 3, 5 or 10 minutes. We record these presentations and transmit them to our network, and encourage global interaction. A dedicated team of media gurus gathers your information, films, catalogs, and posts the presentations to the TCN online channel. The vision is to build a living, open, online forum and resource for TCN participants to get our voices heard and our vision seen by the global human family! Please participate in this growing movement: spread your message, your mission, your love to the world. 

In support of TribeTalks, we also offer a TribeThink area in the same space. This has also been called the TCN Network Center. This space generally includes dry erase or chalk boards, visioning pads for brainstorming, and a Communities and Resources Networking Map with space for participants to post contact info and business cards and then associate it with your tribe, region, and/or Guild (area of expertise). This is a beautiful opportunity for any TCN participant to share their gifts, get up and speak, and create connections to others for co-creation. This offering has been brought to the tribes through a collaborative effort of the A.L.I.G.N. Conference and BridgeWalkers.

If you are an Aligned Event Producer and would like to see this offering at one of your events,

please contact us  and make sure you mention TRIBETALKS in the subject line.


TC EVOlution 2012.

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