TCN Newsletter Issue 14: June 2015
Village Infrastructure Guild Article:
Sea to Seed Tour:
A Sailboat Tour Of Farming, Music & Regenerative Culture
June 11 – 27, 2015
Salt Spring – Gabriola – Lasqueti – Denman – Courtney – Lund – Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA
(cover image reprinted with permission from Sea to Seed)
by Taylor Proffitt
(Video reposted with permission from Sea to Seed)
The Sea to Seed Tour is an experimental collaboration between artists, media makers and farmers to explore the potential for art and culture to effectively support those on the land who are working to localize food systems, cultivate sustainability and build community. Our intention was to spend a month touring by sailboat thru the islands of the Coast Salish Sea, collecting and sharing the stories of the farming communities there and learning more about how we could be of service to their work while sharing our own offerings thru feasts and performances.
Our first tour was deeply inspiring and highly educational, as we learned together what it takes not only to approach sustainability on small islands and to create effective media into support of that work, but also to tour on a small boat with a smaller budget and with a crew of big characters.
For our second tour this year, we will be returning to many of the same farms, deepening relations with the people and the land, applying our leanings from last year into creating larger local farm to table feasts integrated with the music and poetry performances. Our theme this year for the tour and the media created from it will be Resilience, a term that continued to arise during our previous travels. For us, Resilience is about creating whole system approaches that can respond and adapt in intelligent ways to circumstances as they arise, while contributing in positive ways to the web within which we are all embedded. It is our hope that as we learn more about these ways we will also embody them more fully, creating accessible and inspiring examples for others who are seeking to be a part of creating culture that is infused with joy because it is of service to all life.

Reprinted with permission from Sea to Seed
We thank everyone who made this project possible, and to everyone who has shown support.
Look out for dates near you!
June 11th: Salt Spring Permaculture Action Day
June 12th: Salt Spring
June 13th: Gabriola- potluck/show at Watercliff Farm (no Tarran)
June 15-16th: Lasqueti
June 18-19th: Denman–feast/show at Ruby Slipper Ranch
June 20th: Courtney–local potluck
June 24th: Lund Permculture Action Day
June 25th: Lund–local potluck spectacle
June 27th: Vancouver–feast/show
If you would like to see Sea To Seed and the other projects of Over Grow The System continue to grow strong, we ask you to consider becoming a monthly patron of the project at
by Taylor Proffitt
TCN Community Member
Network Ambassador at Project Nuevo Mundo